Wednesday, January 14, 2009


I believe in live music, anyone's live music.

Well, maybe not Celine Dion's live music.

Live music is far superior to heavily processed studio albums. In second place are the recordings of live music. I think it is the energy, the vibe that the current technology allows tapers to capture.

I was listening (Live Music Archive ) to a live audience recording of the New Years run of three shows (12/29, 12/30, and 12/31/2008, Portland OR) by what I'm beginning to believe is one of the best bands of all time - Railroad Earth, and I found myself muttering the tapers most commonly expressed epithet, "Shut the F&ckUp!", as I strained to hear a particularly soft piece of amazing playing while a female voice kept yelling "Yahoooo! Yahoooo!".

In a flash, I had the realization that this performance and recording are so full of the real energy of life that I'm driving down 395 having a Memorex-type experience, just as though I was there, as witnessed by my annoyance with the hammered wookie chicks.

I continued on home, enjoying the music and anticipating the next Whoot! Whoot!

Check it out if you have an interest:


  1. First, I thought this was very funny :-) I like your style. It's hard to write like you're talking.

    Second...I sometimes find live recordings to be a little overwhelming. They do have a different energy, and often they drive harder than studio albums. It's not bad...just different.

  2. It has always been the case that in regard to stimuli, for me, I seem to need more to eclipse the threshold. Hence high spl is appreciated. Some of us are much more sensitive, yes?
